What a Name

Some common names and scientific names are obvious. Then some are not. LOL.

Indeed a pair of Greenbriar corms seemed to be looking back at us. 🙂


A lot of podetia in this group of Turban Caps Lichens (Cladonia peziziformis)! In this case the podetia has a cap. However some other Cladonia podetia can be pointed or cupped.

Definitely a green pointy nosed pig. LOL.
Its top was barely hanging on.
Jeanne spotted the Dog Lichen (Peltigera canina). This lichen is probably overlooked a lot. Because of its dark colors in the shadows on banks it can be hard to spot. So some Peltigera species are also called Pelt Lichens. It all depends on the top cortex (top skin of the thallus).

This is a strange name for this slime mold, the Wolf’s-Milk Slime Mold. The slime mold is the brown round balls on the shelf fungus. When Wolf’s-Milk Slime Mold is young it is a bright orange/red and will ooze out a orangey goo! The common name was believe to originate in Finland. “In ancient times, people in Finland believed that there was blood in the milk of a predator, and that a puppy would get its killer instinct in its mother’s milk. That’s why this blood bursting blob was called sudenmaito, wolf’s milk, also in Finland.

The Mystery of the World’s Oldest Writing System Remained Unsolved Until Four Competitive Scholars Raced to Decipher It

A Lake That Disappeared Holds Clues to Life Beyond Earth

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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