Where was the sunshine today? I mean the temp didn’t change much at all today. Additionally unlike the 87f yesterday, the afternoon high was about 49F! Then after lunch Jim was ready to start the roof repair. And of course I said yes!
This is the roof that needed the repair. It is our Chimney Swift tower. The tower is 16 feet high.
In fact the Chimney Swifts have not approved this housing for several years. Who can blame them.
The old roof had been plywood covered with mortar. Obviously it didn’t last. The first step was to make a new replacement roof. We recycled some corrugated tin we had.
A lichen had started to grow at the top!
First thing to do was to knock down the remainder of the old roof.
The jig to lift the tin.
Getting it in place was a bit tricky!
Tools readied!
I watched from below.
The tin was custom cut to fit the opening.
The entry was made 7×14 inches. Additionally Jim bent back the edges to eliminate any sharp edges.
The roof was cut! Look on the lower left in the photo. You can see this old tin had been made in Japan!
Then I got to see the new roof for myself.
A job well done! The Chimney Swift tower is now ready for the season! And once again we will enjoy their chatter when they return!
What a major job that tower was. Swifts will be grateful. I never would have dreamed there were flower mites. Cool
Sure hope they come! Would really enjoy seeing them someday.
Extra nice that the tower is now lichen approved!
I hope the lichen invites more of their friends to join them. 🙂
Wow! Really great new roof!!
well done! Hope they like their upgraded home!