
Yesterday the wind picked up in the afternoon. So for me, a coat was still necessary. 🙂

The Cardinal’s feather laid scattered about. Indeed that means someone had a redbird for lunch!
Though I worn a coat, it was warm enough for the Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica)!
While sitting on the ground I found this hairy one. No clue to its identity, but I liked it. 😉
The new growth of a thistle (Cirsium) was very striking.
Then I stopped to see how the Plains Nipple Cactus (Escobaria missouriensis) was doing. It was sharp as always. 🙂

Turning to look at the the Weissia controversa moss, a beautiful black and red-legged mite crawled by. Tentatively ID’d as the Winter Grain mite (Penthaleus major). There are four species which occur naturally in Australia. However they have been observed in many states in the US. They are considered an agricultural pest.

Giant 35-inch duck-billed dinosaur footprints discovered in Mongolia

How the Largest Volcanic Eruption in Human History Changed the World

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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