Good Golly Gully

More from the gully…

Peering into the crack!
Now we had to duck under the fallen tree to continue onwards!
A grapevine which looked like a bunny with a toothpick in their mouth. ๐Ÿ˜‰
The gully was fairly open and easy to traverse.
A lovely short gilled mushroom!
An upturned mushroom!
Which way? The left looked easier and we did need to head back to car. So left it was!
Until now we hadn’t seen a Ebony Spleenwort (Asplenium platyneuron).
A tiny cup fungus nestled in with the moss!
Atrichum moss capsules were a beautiful red. Atrichum is an acrocarpous moss which means the seta/capsule grows out the tip.
A beautiful unidentified moss…as of yet. It’s on Jeanne’s list to ID later! Even the experts will not try to ID many mosses in the field.

It was the end of gully and we were almost back to the car.

What a great day it had been! Moreover when isn’t a gully good. LOL.

Bats That Run

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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