What I Found

Obviously the following photos were not taken today. (It was cloudy and wet today). I had gone back to a unit where I thought I had left my knife a few days ago.

What I did find was more of the unknown moss! I marked the location with a stick in the ground so I could re-find it easier.
Then while admiring the above moss, I found the emerging leaves of a Ladies Tresses orchid (Spiranthes)!

Doesn’t look like much here. Maybe some scattered cowpie bits.

Nope, it was a lichen with the appropriate name of Cowpie Lichen (Diploschistes muscorum)! These clumps were scattered unlike the first time I had seen this species. The first one was more in the shape of an actual pile of cow dung.

With some of the Cowpie Lichens was Yellow Scale (Psora icterica). The Cowpie Lichen was trying to take over the Yellow Scale. It is a battle for survival. đŸ™‚
And just FYI, the Yellow Scale is UV positive yellow!
Another find on that sunny day, a Salt Marsh Moth (Estigmene acrea)!
Still searching for the elusive knife, I paused at a branch covered in lichens.
Since I had my UV torch I shone the light. Yep several were UV positive!
It had been a nice day to come back.

However, I didn’t find my knife. Moreover yesterday I was searching my pack for another thing and I found my knife. LOL.

A Little Boy Found a Strange Stone on the Beach. Archaeologists Told Him It Was a Neanderthal’s Hand Ax

Subterranean Shelter: Bat Refuge in Abandoned Mine Lands

Fish Can Pick Their Own Birthday, And We Finally Know How

One Great Shot: Let Us Admire the Lettuce (Slug)

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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