Yesterday (Tuesday 26th) was a bit on the chilly side. At our house the low was 30F. And I forgot to check the frostweed. 🤷🏻♀️
Meeting up with Jeanne, we headed to the grasslands. And we took our handwarmers with us. However by the time we got out there it was in the 40’s.
A Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) stood at the gate.
A Pinweed (Lechea) with its red and green basal leaves reminded us the upcoming festive season.
A close look at a squamulose lichen. The black tiny turd fooled me for a moment thinking it was a podetia. A podetium stands above the squamules where its spores would be stored.
These types of rock with globose nodules are intriguing to imagine the rock bubbling up.
Ahh, something white caught my eye in the path.
It was tiny bones from an animal scat…most likely a coyote.
Lots of Three Awn grass (Aristida) and Gayfeather (Liatris) scattered in the open ahead of us.
Jeanne checked an unfamiliar grass.
Jeanne took a bit home to ID later.
We were just getting started for a day in the field. So more tomorrow!
Happy Thanksgiving Eve! I bet some of you are already cooking for the feast. Making the last minute run to the grocery store for that important item you forgot. 🙂
I want that rock 😄. Pretty grass Jeanne found. Fun day
I thought the rock looked just perfectly happy in its home. I don’t carry rocks anymore. LOL.
Happy Thanksgiving all!
Oh I wonder if that Lechea is something I’ve seen before… interesting.
I bet you have.