Mr Moon

Oh Mr Moon, moon, great big silvery moon, won’t you please shine down on me!

I remember singing this in grade school. The most information that I could find out about was it was old camp song. No one seems to know who or where it was from. Additionally there seems to be a lot of versions that was passed down orally. But wherever it came from, today’s post is about that big silvery moon. 🙂

This photo was taken with my iphone on Sept. 6th. My first attempt to capture what is called earthshine. Earthshine is the dim glow of earth’s reflected light on the dark part of the moon. The moon was a waxing crescent of 10%.
Another attempt with my iphone on Sept. 6th.
The waxing crescent on September 9 had an illumination of 33%. The earthshine was definitely getting harder to see. It was getting too bright I thought for catching the earthshine. However I was learning how to best get the shot on my Cannon. Now I decided I better wait to try again when the crescent gets thinner again as many suggested on the internet. So now I wait. 🙂 Check out Earthshine here.

Now if you remember I gave you a heads up for September 17th supermoon partial lunar eclipse with this link: Don’t Miss September’s Sky Show: The Harvest Moon Eclipse a few nights ago. I was out and so was Kathy. 🙂

Kathy got this spectacular handheld shot with her Canon Powershot at 9:23pm! Thanks Kathy.
And I was also out gazing and shooting too. This was my 9:23pm shot with my Canon D6. I was using a tripod.
This was phone shot at 9:46pm.
Jim’s artistic phone shot.
Jim snuck in a shot of me shooting.
My final shot at 9:50pm.

So after all my shots, I vote Kathy’s as the best shot. 🙂 Indeed kudos to Kathy’s great shot!

Thanks Kathy and Jim! Did any of you see the eclipse? Furthermore your next opportunity will be October 8, 2033 of the next partial lunar eclipse with a supermoon combo. So I hope you saw it last night. 🙂

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Those are great shots of the eclipse. Yours and Kathys. Not sure which is best. Looking as i did without any help it wasn’t impressive.
    🤞🏽 for the bats

  2. Our moon view was similar to your last shot – all your photos are really great and show detail we missed.
    Biobots – very interesting research on cells. Medical engineering.

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