Innie or Outie?

Continuing on with Sunday’s outing.

Here was a pleasant surprise, the Southern Grape Fern or Sparse-lobed Grapefern (Sceptridium biternatum syn Botrychium biternatum). This was near another location but a fair distance from the other patch of a hundred plus. Here there were only a couple. Still nice!
American Beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) with its vivid purple berries!

Old fungus on the left and a leaf that looked like a rib cage. Well sorta. LOL.

A great slime mold the Chocolate Tube Slime Mold (Stemonitis splendens). A beautiful shade of chocolate! This batch was especially small at only about 6mm tall.

Certainly I was finding the small mushrooms. Some were hard to find like this one.
An innie! Well, that what I would call it. LOL.
An outie! I am certain this would help someone help with ID. However I don’t plan to do these. 😉

Breaking Cognitive Boundaries: Groundbreaking Study Finds Monkeys Use “Names” To Communicate

Taxonomy research in Australia reveals 750 unique species in 2023

‘Ice bucket challenge’ reveals that bacteria can anticipate the seasons

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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