It had been a full day on the drive-about. So it was time to head in the direction of home. Still we had time for a few more quick stops.
A late Skeleton Plant (Lygodesmia texana) waved to us with only three petals left. The Spur-throated Grasshopper might have been eating it?
So close to the Red River for a good portion of day and this was our only view.
A late bloomer, the Tall Thistle (Cirsium altissimum)! The American Bumblebee enjoyed a sip!
Standing all alone a really tall grass. After researching it Jeanne’s best guess was Saccharum brevibarbe var. brevibarbe. The grass was too far inside the fence to get a closer look or a sample.
Our last stop was a small creek. Here we found the Leafy Elephantopus (Elephantopus carolinianus) where a fly was dining.
A White Boneset (Eupatorium serotinum) and an Ambush Bug (Phymata) were present too.
Fall colors in a pool with algae. Looking at the darker area I see a dog head with its mouth open slightly.
No doubt the fish future looks good now that we have some much needed rain in this ephemeral creek!
The Cooke County drive-about had been another fun outing!
That’s a beautiful photo of the fall colors with algae!
Thank you!
Nice view of river even if the only one. And thanks for the trees photos. They are gorgeous.
The tree photos are almost unreal – so gorgeous – makes me want to go see them all for myself.
Fall colors photo is like an abstract painting. The boneset and ambush bug fascinating too.
That grass is neat, very decorative. It’s native?