Down the Shady Lane

It had been a while since we had headed down this lane. And it had been one of those hot days. Hopefully those hot days are behind us now. So of course we needed to check out what was new!

A fossilized puppy head. 😉
At this angle, we thought bone. Ok, it was just a rock. 😉

The heart of this tree was dead, but it still was alive!
Last time we were here we had looked at this same log. Moreover it had some cool slime mold and fungus in the past. As dry as it had been we didn’t expect much. But you never know.
A black beetle ducked too fast and disappeared even quicker in the debris. The black by the chunk of wood was the beetle.

At this point I was not certain to the identity of this. Was it a fungus or slime mold? It was only a millimeter tall.

Well, of course I took a small sample of it home. 🙂

And I have looked at it closer now.
Some even had two branches. Kinda looked like this one kissing the other. 🙂
They were quite hairy in appearance.

I am definitely not certain still whether it is a fungus (lean towards) or a slime mold. Like many things I find, I figure I will run across the ID someday. 😉

So the dried dead log still had good stuff!

Fossils Capturing a Sea Cow’s Violent End Shed Light on Prehistoric Food Chains

Strange New Species Found in Toxic Lake Could Hold Clues to Life’s Origins

Scientists Identify the Gene Behind Thorny Roses and Other Prickly Plants

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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