Drive-about Cooke

On the 26th (Monday) we decided on northernly drive-about in Cooke County!

Moss Lake stop! This was a Shirley swimming hole! She loved the clear water.
The bank was sliding down. Maybe we could find a way down this time. Usually it had been a straight drop off.
Drummonds Skullcap (Scutellaria drummondii)!
Gumweed (Grindelia ciliata) was down the bank.
We found a way down! Yippee!

We found people down there. So tomorrow’s post I will introduce them.

Why do Bats Fly? An Evolutionary Journey

The Race to Save Mezcal From the World

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


    1. I bet she was. 🙂 I never like to be next a dog in the water if feet weren’t touch the ground. I learned my lesson from Abby. She would end up clawing me.

  1. Since you are posting I assume you got back out 🙂
    Sometimes you can get down an embankment but getting back up is a challenge.

  2. Bats and mezcal – unique partnership. I remember watching a documentary about the bat man of Mexico- it was great. Hope they can continue the traditional methods of making mezcal and taking care of all those natural varities of agave.

  3. I thought that too about the skullcap.
    So if this was a private lake, did Shirley know people here that she was able to go swimming in it or was that when she was a kid and before the lake was private? I know Shirley was really gifted at getting to know land owners and show respect and interest in their plant life. She probably knew more people across multiple counties than most anyone else.

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