More From the Puddle

I know you have been holding your breath for more from the puddle. 🙂

As I waited for Jeanne’s return with the container I observed more. Watch quick. The water strider skates through!

This little worm wiggled by and several other UAs (unidentified animals). It might be an aquatic earthworm (Oligochaeta). However some worms are very hard to ID unless you can dissect them I learned later. And I did not bring this one home.

A Ringed Paper Wasp (Polistes annularis) stopped for a drink!

No clue who the passenger was. I should have brought it home. Oh well.

So by now you will have noticed the really tiny and lots of UA swimming by. In the field I saw that they had a pair of front “legs” that propelled them. Well, at home I was able to ID these guys as Water Fleas (Cladocera). Did you see it poop? 🙂

A still shot. Most measured just under a 0.3mm!

A jumping spider might have been eating the water fleas. It was not in deep water.

More tomorrow from the puddle creatures!

How to See the Milky Way This Weekend

These ‘Lost’ Bird Species Haven’t Been Seen in at Least a Decade—and Scientists Want Help Finding Them

The Plant That Changed History: How an Ancient Hybrid Grass Birthed the World’s Most Iconic Crop

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. That puddle was amazing. Wonder what water fleas eat? I don’t think there’s anywhere near here to see the Milky Way.

  2. More great videos from the puddle. Good article on the Milky Way. It reminded me of some NYC friends who went on a camping trip west and were terrified to discover an alien invasion… the Milky Way.

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