Kathy’s Adorable Family

Kathy sent me some adorable movies of a native gray fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) family. I know you will agree.

What fun they were having!

Let’s play more!

Over here guys!

Let’s play leaf frog!

Up the tree!

They really are a precious family. Also as I watched the videos I saw additional wildlife that caught my attention. Did you catch them?

A bat!

Now you got three examples circled in red. Furthermore you now know what you are looking for. Try to find the bats without help below. 🙂

Can you spot it?

A little harder to find.
Yes, there is a bat. All of Kathy’s videos had bats in them! Pretty cool!

One more pic from Kathy, the Common Mestra (Mestra amymone)! As soon as the ripe persimmon fruit were on the ground they showed up Kathy said. I have only seen them once here in Wise County. But perhaps some will head up my way this year. Fingers crossed.

Thank you Kathy for sharing your wildlife!

Here a Bee, There a Bee, Everywhere a Wild Bee

You Aren’t Paying Enough Attention to Moss

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. What super foxy videos Kathy captured! So much fun watching them romp and play.

    Of course the moss video is very cool too. Thanks for that one!

  2. All along I thought they were moths flying by. We have a lot of sphinx moths and others too. The foxes have been here and we moved into their territory. But they seem to like some of our additions like a deck with shade and soft unplanted flower beds.

    1. So this must be in front of the new house? Are the foxes moving the dirt in the unplanted beds? And yes, there were a moths in there too.

  3. Yes Claire, lots of TX Persimmons. All the wildlife love them. I had 2 Orchard Orioles on one of the trees yesterday.

  4. On the west side of the new house is a utility road then a fenced area we call the exclosure because it keeps out deer and cattle so it can regrow. And regrow it did! It is think in persimmons, oaks, cedars, mesquites, soapberry, agarita and eve’s necklace. We almost can’t see the road now. The foxes live in that wonderful thicket of stuff and come out to play and eat. I had the camera on the exclosure fence pointed toward the house with the utility road where they were running and leap frogging.
    So far no digging in the flower bed (to be – no plants yet). But an armadillo found a spot to get under the fence and dug around last night, and I don’t stand for that. They can dig on the rest of the acres.

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