The Wonderful Critters

Now a look at the critters we found on our short visit to False Foxglove (Aureolaria grandiflora)!

The first seen of the critters at this location that day! It is the Eufala Skipper (Lerodea eufala)!
So what cool bug are you with those wonderfully striped black and white legs?

It was an Assassin Bug (Pselliopus)! Alas I did not get the necessary features to ID to species.
Katydid nymphs were present!
Multiple of the Buckeye (Junonia coenia) caterpillars busily munched. It is one of their host plants.
The spent chrysalis of (maybe) a Buckeye.
Additionally the adult Buckeyes flittered about as well! Note: All the above were on the False Foxglove.
A funnel spider web! The spider was hiding. LOL. However I thought the shadow showcased the web.

Others were there for example the ants. However these were the only ones I took pics.

Don’t Just Walk In The Woods—Touch, Smell, and Taste Them, Too Thanks Claire!

Spider Species Uses Male Fireflies as Ghastly Puppets to Seduce Its Prey

New Technique Removes More Than 98% of Nanoplastics From Water

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Love the critters and photos. Especially the black and white legged assassin bug.
    My funnel spider still lives with its big ol’ web across a whole planter box in front of the window. I have only seen it a couple times but I will gladly put up with the mess of web up the screen and across the items I store in the planter. So cool.

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