Beep beep!

While out doing tractor work clearing the wild plums, Jim heard a pitiful noise. He investigated! Well, you know the old saying a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, right? So here he came to the back door with a bird in hand.

He looked in this Greenbriar patch for the noise. The critter was hopelessly tangled in the Greenbriar.
What kind is it? Jim asks. Oh I knew immediately and couldn’t believe my eyes. OMG!
Jim had carried the fledging all the way to the house from our back fence. He said it was calm the whole way!
So the fledgling Roadrunner still had pin feathers.
Of course with its calmness, this called for closeups shots!
Tail feathers!

Gently Jim sat it on the ground.

We stood back to give it some breathing room.

Off to find mama and papa!

A happy ending for the little one!

The whole ordeal was over. Beep beep! What a tale it will be telling. 🙂

Historic Volunteer Milestone Reached by Two Texas Master Naturalists

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Wow that is so neat to get to see it up close and that is was ok. Some predator would have heard that and tried to get it in the tangle. Thanks for the wonderful close ups.

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