
The great-nephews were visiting for the weekend before school starts next month. And its always full of adventures for us all. 🙂

The moon was full and we set out on the first night to hunt for the scorpion like last year. The boys were excited to break last year’s record of 21 scorpions.

Congrats to the boys! They found 31, both adults and babies on the first night! Second night still wasn’t bad with 24 scorpions. Here was one of the last ones found. Clark thought they looked like they were married. LOL. Anyway I found that it was possibly a courtship or for cannibalism. Sometimes there might not be much of a difference? If it was courtship, the male scorpion will lead a female on a dance-like walk known as a promenade à deux holding her by the pedipalps.

Back at the house, we looked at a few specimens up close.
On Saturday morning a new adventure. We headed out for some fossil hunting.
The watchful eyes of alien starring back. LOL.

Turning the above fossil over, it was a beautiful specimen of a urchin heart rock (Macraster species)!
The boys quickly developed an eye for the fossils!
Using other rocks, they dug and pried out the fossils.

However this ammonite was too much to get out. Next time maybe we will bring the rock hammer. 🙂
A Devil’s Claw (Proboscidea louisianica)!

What great adventures! And thanks to Judy for sharing her favorite childhood creek!

The sting of love

Why Have So Many Whale Remains Been Found on the Ocean Floor Near Los Angeles?

The Disappearing Arborglyphs Carved by Sheepherders Across the American West

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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