
Every night when turning on the light last week, I spotted a spider near the cabinet. To be friendly I told them hello. Well, they were a bit shy. And would scurry back under the cabinet.

After about the fifth night I decided to get a closer look. It was a Brown Recluse. I was going to try to a catch and release. They didn’t go for that. How do you catch a spider I asked myself. Well, the next best option seemed to be a glue trap. Yeah, I was going to be sad that it was going to die. But they were in my home space. Then there was the fact I might end up stepping on them. Certainly I didn’t want that.
Setting out trap that evening I hoped I would find them stuck in the morning. Sure enough they got stuck. So I had read that a female (which I thought this might since it was larger), might be guarding babies. And I left the trap out for a couple more days to be sure.

Indeed I was surprised when the ants showed up.

So within 24 hours this was all that was left! The spider’s legs!

Very hairy! Scavengers of the small world!
Nothing had got stuck in the middle of the glue trap. But there bits and pieces of others along the edge. Moreover I speculated the ants had a meal of the others as well.

Somehow only one ant got stuck. Furthermore it was on the opposite of the glue trap. That was interesting.

And one of the Brown Recluse’s legs was on the far side too.

Indeed more unknown creatures’ tiny legs were stuck!

The final animal was (possibly) a Dermestid Beetle larva. And it was still alive. Thanks Claire!

And that is the story of stuck. 🙂

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Love the spider story. Sorry it was a brown recluse but i have them too. Just never get a chance to capture them. Glad you did.

  2. We work hard to kill every Brown Recluse that we see. Many are inside living quarters and I have seen how bad people react to a bite. I don’t want that for me or my family especially a 2 yr old grandson. We have sticky traps indoors in every building but do not use them outside. It is really sad when we catch a lizard, snake or other good creature.

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