We found a way through the dead cedars back to the creek channel. The creek was no longer flowing but there were pools of water. And goodness more treasures!
In a small pool I spotted these strange things. Looking closer I could see they were creatures and not plants or sticks. Additionally it was the rear end sticking out of the water.
Out of the water.
Whatever this creature was it was fascinating to watch it move!
Then a little further along Jeanne spotted the bobbing tail of a bird ahead! It was a Louisiana Waterthrush!
Tiny fungi!
The channel had gotten impassable again. So up we went searching a way through the cut cedars.
A Greenbriar hugging itself. 😉
Back in the channel Jeanne was thinking about taking a swing. Nah. 😉
The Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata) is hard to photograph like all the tiger beetles. They are fast!
Up to this point we had not seen many frogs. This one decided to cooperate and let me get their picture. It was getting hot so we decided to head back. And we had been up since 6am for the quail survey.
A Louisiana Waterthrush was spotted again. Was it the same individual or had there been more than one? Who knows. But I was able to get closer this time. 🙂
Back up in the prairie, a cicada exuvia!
A big leg for a Harvester Ant! Well, it was for the ant. 🙂
I think your larvae are some kind of hoverfly (syrphidae): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rat-tailed_maggot. Cool stuff!
Cool to know and thanks for the link!!!
They were really cool larva – even if they remain a mystery!
Super article on the trilobite anatomy – such detail is incredible.
Wow! What a fun creek and so many great finds. A water thrush. Cool. Thanks for sharing
Very cool-looking larvae! The water thrush is a bird I’ve never seen.
You need to walk the creeks. 😊