Call me crazy, but I just could not help myself even tho the temps are warming up for an afternoon outing. And so I headed for the grasslands after lunch yesterday.
A half dozen shots taken before the mite finally made it into the photo shot of the Toothed Spurge (Euphorbia dentata).
A non-native, the Chinese Bush-clover (Lespedeza cuneata). However the native Bush-clovers (Lespedeza) far out numbered this one in this area.
Tooth-leaved Croton or if you prefer the Tropic Croton (Croton glandulosus)!
The sandy path was lined with Brown-eyed Susans (Rudbeckia hirta var pulcherrima) on the left and Bitterweed (Helenium amarum var amarum) to the right.
Narrow-leaf Morning Glory (Ipomoea shumardiana)! I knew it would be blooming and that was what pulled me to the grasslands. This plant is critically imperiled in Texas (NatureServe).
This one was starting to fade.
What a beauty!
Closer! No insects were found on any of the morning-glories. However a few of the leaves had been chewed on some of the plants.
After reflecting with the reflection, yes I decided it had been worth it to head to grasslands. 🙂
Wow! Worth it!
Beautiful path with brown eyed Susans and bitterweed.
Great find! I’m glad they waited for you.
Wonderful color on the morning glory