Second Try

Wednesday morning was the second day of the quail survey season. The weather was equally as cool but the sky was clear. Additionally it was less windy.

Unit 41 was the starting place! No sooner than I opened the door and the familiar call of Bob sounded!
Along the road at unit 21 we heard 15 species of birds. However no Bobs.
Don’t forget to examine the flowers for their visitors. It takes all creatures large and small!
The last stop was at unit 55 (Rucker’s). The Partridge Pea are having a good year! The Bobs will appreciate the future seeds. Additionally Partridge Pea is a host for several of the Sulphur butterflies . But alas, only the first stop produced a Bob call. Four more survey days to go.
The Split-eyed Owlflies (Ululodes) is a master at blending in. Furthermore the genus Ululodes is the only one with split-eyes. There are six species represented in TX.

What beautiful eyes!

Back home it was time to check the Bluebird nestlings!

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Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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