Summer Has Arrived

Did you get out early this morning? We all knew summer was close at hand. 🙂 My weather says it felt like 105F (actually temp was 95F). And I agree. 🙂 All of my morning was inside. These photos are from a few days ago when I scouted for the First Wednesday.

A Diamondback Spittlebug (Lepyronia quadrangularis) had been hanging out at the backdoor. Not sure why unless it has switched to a new food? They are polyphagous. But usually eat a variety of grasses, shrubs, and herbs.

Cactus Coreid (Chelinidea vittiger) nymph! According to BugGuide the eggs are laid on the underside of the prickly pear spines. Well, I will certainly keep my eyes out for the eggs now!

Rainbow Grasshopper nymph (Dactylotum bicolor)! It is one of the most easily recognized grasshoppers.
These tiny black beetles are found on a variety of plants. Here they were on a Slim Leaf Milkweed (Asclepias stenophylla).
Similar to a Whorled Milkweed (Asclepias verticillata), however this species never has a whorled of leaves at a node. And the Whorled Milkweed flowers do not have fused horns. Yes, both have narrow leaves.
Additionally the Whorled Milkweed’s (Asclepias verticillata) flower is on a pedestal like in this photo.

Stay cool!

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Rare footage shows deep-sea squid attacking camera

3 little fossil hunters discover rare 67-million-year-old teen T. rex

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Be glad when my whorled milkweed blooms. The blooms are so gorgeous. And that rainbow grasshopper is so pretty

  2. I’m sad that it’s so early in the summer and we’re already feeling trapped indoors, even in the morning. 😒

  3. Agree with you Suzanne. Our mornings are so humid that the oven afternoons feel like a relief from the sauna feel but then you feel baked. Thanks for the tip Mary on where the eggs are laid on the prickly pear. always have these each year. I’ll go look.

  4. I went out to look at the spineless prickly pear but no eggs that I could find. Haven’t checked the native ones yet.

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