Here’s the final post from the spring season Caddo NG surveys. The last field day was short as we tried to get ahead of the storms for drive home on May 22nd.
Since we were not going to spend the whole day out, we choose to re-visit a closer unit. The plan was to see the Giant Coneflowers. None are in this photo. But the mostly open native prairie was filled with an abundant of native grasses and forbs! Jeanne id’d some of the following grasses: Briza minor – little quaking grass – introduced annual Vulpia octoflora – 6-weeks grass – native annual Paspalum setaceum – thin paspalum – native perennial Steinchisma hians (aka Panicum hians) Gaping panic grass – native perennial Dichanthelium species – native perennials – but not enough plant material to id to species Thanks Jeanne!
Meadow Pink (Sabatia campestris) laid nestled in the grasses!
A crab spider waits for its prey! They might want to re-position to the next flower since that one had already been pollinated?
Oh my! Spring Spiranthes (Spiranthes vernalis)!
The flower!
Side view of the fuzzy flowers and top part of the stem.
Interesting enough as you look further down the stem it becomes glabrous (not hairy).
Some were almost 70 centimeters (27.5 inches) high!
A Carolina Dandelion (Pyrrhopappus carolinianus) looked to become one with the Spring Orchid. LOL.
The Prairie Rose (Rosa setigera) shaded the Blackberries (Rubus)!
Of course we picked some!
The roses were in multiple colors for a treat to our eyes!
Pink Milkwort (Polygala incarnata) was another resident of the sandy prairie. With its small stature it is an often a missed beauty.
One last look at the prairie and all the Spring Orchids! All the white spikes are the orchids. There were hundreds and hundreds of them!
So we never made it to the Giant Coneflowers. Of course it didn’t matter since we found other great treasures. And time had run out as it often does.
What a great last day!!
That sea slug is gorgeous. Wish ours were that pretty.
Maybe their mama think they are beautiful. ha ha.
Yes that leaf sheep is totally wonderful!
I’ve really enjoyed the photos from Caddo
Thank you!
Oh wow! The Spiranthes vernalis are gorgeous! Lucky you for stumbling onto that prairie! Thanks as always for sharing y’all’s finds.
Always fun. 🙂
Those Spiranthes are really tall!
Certainly it surprised me.
I have crab spiders on my cone flowers, and I’ve seen a little bitty spider take down a huge bee. Blows me away. Thanks for the share!
Really are amazing predators! You are welcome. 🙂