A Day Early

I got an alert from Claire in Oklahoma on Friday night. A friend was seeing the aurora borealis there! The prediction was for the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and we were forecasted for clouds in North Texas. ;-( And it was only 9:30 when we got the alert. Oh my I quickly headed outside for a look. Clouds were few. And as I had read the smartphone cameras would enhance the colors. Stepping out the door I didn’t see anything with just my eyes…at first.

Pointing my phone to the north, oh my gosh!
To the northwest!

Due west!


South! It were visible in all directions. And was constantly changing.

Colors ranged in different hues. We did not see any green, but that was ok. The red hues are rarer according to the article below. I never thought I would get to see this in North Texas. However I had hoped and here it was! And when our eyes did adjust to the darkness we were able to see a faint reddish tint. The phones definitely are must though.

Such a special cosmic event! I certainly hope some of you got to witness it last night. Indeed I will look again tonight just in case the clouds don’t ruin the view. However it looks yesterday night was the night to see it.

Aurora colors: What causes them and why do they vary?

Sun news for May 11: Solar superstorm is ongoing. More auroras tonight?

Surprising Bat Relatives

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


  1. Oh boy. I read th explanation of the Aurora. Now i understand perfectlyπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. NOT. Sure got some good pictures tho. Thanks

  2. Woot! Congrats! Too much light pollution here, sadly. I could have crossed that off my bucket list.

  3. Growing up in WI, I saw the aurora borealis once, that I remember. It was bright green, and to my young brain, it looked like someone doing doughnuts in the sky. It made a big impression on me. All we saw here was a pinkish glow, but just being able to see it at all here in North Texas was a treat. Maybe it’ll clear up Monday and still be visible.

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