
The word bugging generally implies someone is an annoyance. But people use the word birding for bird watching. Furthermore there is also the term mothing for moths. Well, you get the gist. So I propose for insects it might be called bugging for all of them. What do you think, will it catch on? šŸ˜‰ Or maybe it has and I was just no aware of the term. LOL.

The female Eastern Amberwings were flying about! Interesting enough while at Caddo I don’t remember seeing any males. The males don’t have the bands on the wings.
The Variegated Fritillary was one of the common bugs we saw on this trip.

The Flower Chafer Beetle (Trichiotinus affinis) is a beetle often seen with its head buried in a flower like a thistle. However this Sensitive Briar (Mimosa quadrivalvis var platycarpa) does not leave much room for that technique.
An Assassin Bug (Pselliopus cinctus) waits for a meal to come by. The Reduviidae family are ambush predators! They have a relatively narrow neck, sturdy build, and a formidable curved proboscis (sometimes called a rostrum). Large specimens should be handled with caution, if at all, because they sometimes defend themselves with a very painful stab from the proboscis. In the genus Pselliopus, there are seven species known in the US.
The Green Milkweed are plentiful at Caddo NG. And the Gray Hairstreaks were abundant as well. However nary a Monarch was seen this week. šŸ™ And I looked for both eggs and cats. And for the sharp eyes, you might notice another bug on this plant.

The Pale Coneflower (Echinacea pallida) are doing well! The white spot on the disk flower was a mealy bug (I think).

However it was the bug on the stem that caught my attention. I just love this genus of bugs!

It is the Buffalo Treehopper genus of Stictocephala (I think)!

Don’t you love the shape!

The top view is pretty fantastic too!

There is a species called the Two-hornedĀ TreehopperĀ (StictocephalaĀ diceros) with these big side horns. However this one has the wrong colored eyes, legs and body. BugGuide says there are seventeen species but none matched to my satisfaction. The closest was S. stimulea but the wing veins didn’t match. So this will just be in this tentative genus placement for now.

Indeed while you are out don’t forget to go bugging! It’s amazing!

Bacteria Living in The Brains of Fruit Flies Have a Surprising Effect on Their Memory 

Quantum Magnetoreception: The Evolutionary Secrets of Bird NavigationĀ 

Northern lights forecast says auroras possible above US this weekend

G4 Watch in Effect for May 11 Unfortunately here it is supposed to be cloudy/rainy šŸ™

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know


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