Jeanne and I are back in Fannin County continuing with my botany survey! And we started off at Bonham State Park once again. Here’s what we found on our hike on the trails.
We noticed this moss the last time we were here. Jeanne found one its common name was the Train Tracks Moss! She determined that it was Thelia hirella.
Such a cool moss!
The big picture!
The Red Raspberry Slime Mold was small but an eye catcher on a fallen log. There wasn’t much of it. However there was just enough to stop me in my tracks!
This bryophyte was a leafy liverwort called Wall Scalewort (Porella platyphylla).
So this is a rather large leafy liverwort as seen in this close up.
These little beauties might be Witch’s Hat (complex Hygroybe conica). Wikipedia says there maybe at least eleven closely related species.
These white gills were framed so nicely with the yellow stem and the edges of the cap!
Then in a small open glade we found a half dozen of the Pale Coneflowers (Echinacea pallida)! Look for the whitish pollen!
Last flower of the walk was a Ruellia!
This little red larva was hanging by a thread! Up close it reminded me of a gummy worm. 😉
I told myself when we started the walk I was not going to photograph anything unless it was special. Well, as you can see I decided we saw some special treasures that I couldn’t resist.
That’s the prettiest moss I’ve ever seen.
Wow that mushroom!!
OK. I LOVE Train Tracks Moss! Red Raspberry slime mold! Pale Coneflower! A post FULL of treasures!
Yeah it was full of it. 😀