We only spent a couple of hours walking around Bonham SP after we had arrived. And in that time we found some interesting treasures.
Walking the trails you can not miss the green Rattan vine (Berchemia scandens). This one seemed to be hugging itself.
A standout against the leaf litter! It looked like a dove’s.
A soldier beetle (Cantharidae) seemed to be surprised.
Another Soldier Beetle marched on! Tentatively ID’d to the genus Rhagonycha.
A really big beetle, the Horned Passalus (Odontotaenius disjunctus)! “Bess Bug is a name in common use by non-entomologists. This is likely an imitation of the stridulation (Merriam-Webster). Speculation: “Bess” perhaps comes from French baiser, “to kiss” (compare English buss, kiss), and likely refers to the ability of this beetle to pinch with its mandibles (which it does rarely) or the sound of the stridulation–a squeaky “kissy” sound.” Source: BugGuide. I wished I had known about this at the time. Then I would have picked it up.
Its butt broom is the best!
Not familiar with the rattan vine. And yes Suzanne the butt broom is best.😄
Quite the beetle traffic jam! They need to work on their zipper merge skills!
The museum scans of specimens is awesome!
Really is!