The little Carolina Wren watched us approach for a few moments while I snapped away.
Then in a blur it darted off to get on with its daily business! The wood/brush pile is one of my favorite piles we have. This pile will be buzzing soon and through the summer with Carpenter Bees (Xylocopa virginica). The female will construct a hole for her brood. The males will excitingly guard the nest. They do not mind that we walk right pass them every morning. Many adults will utilize the old nests to overwinter. The Carpenter Bees are a valuable addition to our native pollinators! Unlike the bumble bees they have a shiny abdomen but furthermore, equally important for biodiversity!
Walking a little further and a new mushroom had popped up overnight. Well, at least I had not noticed it the previous day. Someone had nibbled on the cap!
Then I saw that besides the small nibbles, someone had take a big mouth full on the other side. Yum!
It had split gills! Someday when I get some time, maybe I will try to ID more of the mushrooms. However for now I just like admiring them and watching for the “somebodies” who eat them. 😉
Today after the early morning walk, I headed over to the grasslands with Jeanne. So yep photos to label. And tomorrow grasslands photos!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Wrens are so cute. Thanks for the pic. They’re outside my window daily. And aren’t whales wonderful. We may learn that every critter has traditions.
The story about the trees being planted in the African savannah reminded me of the inspirational children’s book I used to read to the kids at camp, the story of Wangari Maathi. Turns out it may have a dark side. But grasslands are always unappreciated, with people wanting to fill that “empty worthless space” with trees. This video has a somewhat ironic quote near the end, starting at 2:45: “Think about the big picture, knowing that each chane you make to one part will affect the whole.”
Wrens are so cute. Thanks for the pic. They’re outside my window daily. And aren’t whales wonderful. We may learn that every critter has traditions.
Love those little wrens!
Yay carpenter bee house! Glad wrens like it too.
I really want to see those bees in the woodpile one day.
The story about the trees being planted in the African savannah reminded me of the inspirational children’s book I used to read to the kids at camp, the story of Wangari Maathi. Turns out it may have a dark side. But grasslands are always unappreciated, with people wanting to fill that “empty worthless space” with trees. This video has a somewhat ironic quote near the end, starting at 2:45: “Think about the big picture, knowing that each chane you make to one part will affect the whole.”
That is a great story and a very good thought. It is hard to hang on to that as we all try to do are little part.