Ok, I just made that up. Yes, it’s Valentine’s Day by the powers to be. However cord means heart in Latin. And nature is one of the things that makes my heart happy. So why not, eh! 😉
Indeed, I always am looking out for hearts.
Looking back in my photos I seemed to have labeled quite a few with the word heart. Moreover, I bet you can now tell where this post is going. LOL. Here’s a heart-shaped patch of moss.
No bones about it, it’s a vertebra heart!
So many rocks show the love!
Clammyweed (Polanisia dodecandra) heart petals!
A grapevine weaved into a heart!
Hackberry heart!
So this heart was a little more subtle.
A cedar heart!
This fossil is known as a heart urchin (Macraster species) and is found in our area.
Small White Morning-glory (Ipomoea lacunosa) like many in that genus have cordate (heart-shaped) leaves. It will flower in early fall.
The Violet Woodsorrel (Oxalis violacea) will be blooming late March through May. Its cordate leaflets comes in three. When it re-bloom in the fall it won’t have leaves.
So many hearts in nature. Show your love for Happy Cordate Day!
I hope you and your love one had a Happy Valentine’s Day! Maybe consider a trip to the Fort Worth Botanic Garden with your sweetheart.
Very cute. And handy that you had labeled your pictures that way so you could find them.
I met a NPSOT lady down here who looked for and found heart shaped rocks. And when she did, she made them into gifts. She wrapped a sprig of rosemary with some twine around one and gave it to me when she came over. I have since found a couple heart shaped rocks myself.
I actually try to name my photos with labels I may want to come for. So not just the name of what it actually was. And what a nice idea your NPSOT lady has!
A thoroughly heartfelt post!
That’s a wonderful post. I’ve seen some of those pics before. Thanks
You certainly have. 🙂
Very cute. And handy that you had labeled your pictures that way so you could find them.
I met a NPSOT lady down here who looked for and found heart shaped rocks. And when she did, she made them into gifts. She wrapped a sprig of rosemary with some twine around one and gave it to me when she came over. I have since found a couple heart shaped rocks myself.
I actually try to name my photos with labels I may want to come for. So not just the name of what it actually was. And what a nice idea your NPSOT lady has!
This is a heart centered blog today. Thank you for the gifts you so freely give. ♥️
You’re welcome and Love back to you!
What a heartfelt post!