More Spreading Aster or Sky-drop Aster (Symphyotrichum patens)! Indeed these were a gorgeous lavender.
Down in the ravine, the roots were like snakes hanging on.
A small Woodsia fern.
A Plagiomnium cuspidatum moss. At least that is what I think it was. Jeanne, did I get it right? So it is easy to see on this moss’s leaves they are just one cell thick.
A Blackjack’s orange leaf was glowing. Certainly it gives the Jack O’Lantern mushroom a run for the money on the orange color. 😉
The ocean article is saddening. Hope many more ways are we going to kill this planet.
I had wondered why they were called mercuries! That one cell thick leaf is amazing.
We’ve sure had some beautiful days to roam outside recently!