The noun encore; a repeated or additional performance of an item at the end of a concert or act, as called for by an audience. If you read yesterday’s comments there was a question about an encore. Well, it just so happens there is. LOL

And there I was sitting watching and waiting for something exciting to happen.

Watch it smack its lips. 🙂 Pretty cool!
And that is the encore!
An Unexpected Way To Time Travel – Citizen Scientist’s Tip Unlocks 3,000 Years of Mammal Evolution
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
I love the millipedes antennas. Never seen one so close up. Thanks for another great video.
You are welcome 😊
Now that is what I’d call a stupendous encore!
Wow, it’s fantastic that you captured that snacking millipede on video!
The article about studying mammal bones found in caves reminds me of something that puzzles me about paleontology – how do scientists decide when a species has evolved enough to be classified as a new species? I’ve read that the shift of bison from gigantic to their current size is believed to be based on the cooling climate and decline of resource abundance. So why change the species? The ancient bison just became the current day bison as they became smaller to adapt to less hospitable conditions. Things I think about while drifting off to sleep…
When I think about such things, I would never fall asleep. LOL But I have wondered that too. Googling “How do paleontologists determine when it is a new species” I found this https://www.americangeosciences.org/education/k5geosource/content/fossils/how-do-paleontologists-identify-fossils and a whole bunch more discussions
However that still leaves a lot of room for debate among them I imagine. 🙂