It was a busy day for me! First chores must be done, groceries. However I did manage to take a walk. Then it was time for the Trinity Forks NPSOT afternoon field trip at the Painted Flower Farm in Denton.
Have y’all been observing the supermoon? I have caught it for the last two days in the morning.
A False Boneset (Brickellia eupatorioides) had decided to take residence next to the house.
Stopping to admire the flowers I notice it had another visitor. Do you see the egg?
The Green Lacewing’s egg on a stick!
Additionally a geometer caterpillar was a visitor too!
Love was in the air for a pair of Salt Marsh Moths (Estigmene acrea)!
The larvae eats a variety of plants. A closeup of this gorgeous moth!
Oooops, I bumped the grass a tad too much. However one still hung on.
They only stayed a moment or two more. Mission accomplished!
The Narrow-leaf Gayfeather (Liatris punctata var mucronata) is really just getting going. The Greeneyes (Berlandiera betonicifolia) are still providing nectar as well.
Garden Spider’s (Argiope aurantia) egg case!
Finally the field trip at Painted Flower Farms. Bethany showed the group a look at the behind-the-scene in the growing room. Lucky for those that were close to the fridge. I heard the cold air felt good. Thank you Bethany for the tour! It was awesome!
So it was a “whew” day. However it was a totally a good one!
So do the different colored underside of abdomens mean female/male? The antennae are so cool. I hadn’t gotten that close to mine to see that. And looks like quite the hairdo.
Brickellia!!!! And I don’t have any in my landscape. Got to find some. I loved seeing it all through winter when the sun shown through it, up in N TX.
Prettiest moth ever. So soft looking
Yes a beautiful moth – soft and fuzzy.
So do the different colored underside of abdomens mean female/male? The antennae are so cool. I hadn’t gotten that close to mine to see that. And looks like quite the hairdo.
Brickellia!!!! And I don’t have any in my landscape. Got to find some. I loved seeing it all through winter when the sun shown through it, up in N TX.
Well I finally got around to look it up… male has the orange, female white. Yeah Brickella are fun plants with the wild flower heads. 😎