We checked out other stuff at the creek too. Nothing escaped our curiosity. LOL
If you find bruised anthers, this is an indication that pollination has occurred. No bruising was found on the anthers on this Buffalo Bur (Solanum rostratum).
A small walnut tree was loaded!
Cedar Elm leaves and algae made a nice contrasting colors on the rock.
A moss with branches spread across the rock like a spider web.
Another wolf spider (Lycosidae) had a white sac. Both spiders looked similar in appearance. However I am certain like most critters the devil is in the details. The wolf spiders attach their sacs to their spinnerets at the rear. My bet it was also a Pardosa with the nearly perpendicular spines. So why the different color sacs? Of course they went shopping at different stores. LOL
Do you recall the two faced rock Jeanne pointed out yesterday, Santa Clous and the elephant? Well, before I looked at the “big picture” I saw this Megachile bee fly into one of the rock holes.
What was most interesting in fact was that it was making a home. Perhaps you can see the leaves on her right. So this might not have been the smartest place to build a home if the creek ever runs. However maybe she knows something we don’t. 😉 James says they really are not very picky in their home choices. He has even seen them build in old mud dauber nests. And thanks James for confirming my ID.
The Balloonvine (Cardiospermum halicacabum) pods are three sided. Cuties!
Furthermore the tendrils are pretty cool in my opinion!
The Balloonvine flowers are really tiny. There are four petals. Plus the four sepals have two sizes, small and large.
One more gastropod fossil! Time to head to the next destination!
Good question. I have only noticed the Solanum bruising. I don’t know about or some other genera that might bruise. However other genera for example the Meadow Pink (Sabatia campestris) anthers curl after it was pollinated. Something to keep our eyes out for, eh.
I do love to see a wolf spider with her babies on her back. Thats a wonderful creek.
Do all anthers get bruised or just that species or genus?
Good question. I have only noticed the Solanum bruising. I don’t know about or some other genera that might bruise. However other genera for example the Meadow Pink (Sabatia campestris) anthers curl after it was pollinated. Something to keep our eyes out for, eh.
I think our tepary beans and cowpeas have the flower petals turn colors after pollination too
Bluebonnets too.