So we always have a wonderful time. And sometimes the heart rate might race a bit.
The Green Dragon or also called Jack-in-the-pulpit (Arisaema dracontium) is always an exciting find!
The spathe hides the the inflorescence. We found a ton of the Green Dragons hiding among the grasses. The guessimate was at least four hundred spread in multiple patches. Most were not blooming. Between the Green Dragon and the Grape fern it was certainly exciting! We kept finding patches after patches of them both.
Another plant that was hiding in the grasses was Ruellia humilis. A common plant but nevertheless always makes me smile. Its flower tends to fall off when you just look at it. LOL
The heart, a grapevine. 🙂
More Pipevine and Pipevine Swallowtails along the creek! The first orange bar is where the osmeterium will pop out.
Of course, we had to see!
A Buffalo Treehopper (Stictocephala alta) was quite the looker! It also was found on the Pipevine. However, this species can be found on many species of plants.
Glands on Spiderwort (Tradescantia)!
Not sure how I missed seeing the Goat’s-Rue (Tephrosia virginiana) in bloom until now. So pretty! It was in a pipeline easement.
Now this guy really made Jeanne’s heart race. She said it curled up in a tangled ball and shook it fist (ie tail) at her before they both parted ways. However, I had to see it too. So racing over to Jeanne, I was able to see it too. But not the angry part. It really had enough of the humans and was heading to a quieter place.
Love those horns! It was so aggravated with us.
🤣it was!
The flowering green dragon was a great find, and the buffalo treehopper is perfectly named. Lots of treasures at the Grasslands!
Really cool finds. Beautiful copperhead. Heart is special and of course the cat is too. Dont you mean “bison” lead hopper?😄
Ha ha!
Y’all have seen some beautiful copperheads lately! Such a gorgeous snake!