Two Snakes

Today will be photos and movies from Jeanne and Anonymous (ie Jim). Both got a real treat that they are sharing with us!

So I bet you know who this one was, the Copperhead(Agkistrodon contortrix). Anonymous disturbed it while cutting trees.

Zooming in, Anonymous got this shot! Wow! Oh, and you can still see a wood chip on it. 🙂

Next up was Jeanne’s find while she had been out in the kayak.

It was a Diamondback Water Snake (Nerodia rhombifer) that had caught a catfish!

Second movie!

Third movie! Jeanne said she watched for about ten minutes then left. When she came back an hour later it was gone. Goodness that snake will be full for a week!

Thanks Jeanne and Anonymous for sharing! They were awesome!

Keep looking!

The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.


  1. Beautiful copperhead. Snakes can swallow unbelievably large things. Wonder if their mouths can stretch.

  2. Wow. Both Mr Anonymous getting that closeup shot that looks eye to eye and the catfish vs snake event. It seems too big for that snake to swallow but I wonder even more how they deal with the sharp hard spine side fins. How does a snake get that down without getting punctured. I know how much those hurt.
    We had a little ribbon snake and a toad here today and heard the Yellow-throated Vireo like last year. Oh my sedum is blooming now. guess it wanted this rain to make it open.

  3. Love the ribbon snakes. Ok i like them all. It is amazing how they eat. Once i watched a yellow-bellied water snake eat a toad. Took it over an hour to get it down. Fins. Must have powerful digestion eh.
    Rain seems to help most of the time🤣 hope you have been getting your share lately.

  4. Anonymous got a great shot!
    Great article about Randy the snake – I had already read up on snake jaws but did not know that snakes could sense the direction of prey with their tongues!

  5. Thanks claire for the article. The fins fold back against their sides Kathy so probably wouldnt be a problem going down but don’t know about after that.

  6. Those two side spines are very stiff. They do not move. When handling a catfish it is a trick to know how to hold them so the spines are between fingers and not through the hand. They are strong and sharp. I could just see them poking a hole in the side of the snake’s neck.

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