Day 5 A Real Hoot

The last day at the Black Mesa SP we walked the Rock Garden Trail. This trail had only been built about two years ago according to the park ranger. It is about 1.25 miles in length.

The trail starts near Lake Etling that can be seen in the back ground.
Mule deer seen at the lake. They also ran through the camp ground on multiple days. Lots of shovelers, coots, and pelicans were on the lake.
The trail took us passed a sheep herder wall.
A fist sized hole. Yes, you know I looked inside it.
A fern was hiding in the hole!

Great rocks!

Briar joined me. It was tight, but we both fit. LOL

On the afternoon walk on the same Rock Garden Trail, the southwestern turkeys told us it was going to be great! Unlike the turkeys in North Texas, these have a white rump.

In I go again!
Cool columns!
Tiny bones were in the hole!

On this trail we found the Echinocereus viridiflorus cactus blooming. Indeed that was a highlight!

The Black Mesa State Park was certainly a hoot!

Keep looking!

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