The first spot David took us was relatively small, but when you are looking for a small plant, it was a lot to search.
The Lace Cactus (Echinocereus reichenbachii) were just awesome.
Some however, had finished their lives.
A prickly snowperson? It was quite chilly that morning. 🙂
A small Pink Verbena (Glandularia pumila)!
One solid sedimentary rock was very colorful with the pebbles and lichens!
The new and old.
Jeanne and David searching. Look at all the cacti! It really will be a sight to see blooming in month or so.
Least Daisies were residents in this patch!
Jeanne found a small snake vertebrae!
David found a green rock! Some greenish rocks get their color from minerals that contain iron or chromium and sometimes manganese.
Another green rock that at first glance I thought was going to be a bug. Sure was purty!
A really tiny Plantain (Plantago). This genus is also associated with Tiny Tim’s plant community.
Once again, no Tiny Tim.
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Those plantains are just the cutest!
For sure!
That tiny tim surely is elusive. If you ever do catch him dont let him go.
Love those green rocks!