So it is only five days away from spring now. In fact, the vernal equinox happens on March 20th this year. As you have probably noticed so much has already started to emerge from their winter slumber.
As a matter of fact as I stepped out of the car, the first sign of life, a micromoth!
Indeed, the Small Milkweed Bug (Lygaeus kalmii) apparently was not waiting for the milkweeds. Instead it choose a wild plum to visit! So they are also reported to be scavengers and predators, especially in spring when milkweed seeds are scarce. Additionally, the little guys are known to feed on honey bees, grasshoppers, and dogbane beetles, among others. (Root 1986)” Certainly, a vital part of the ecosystem!
On March 10, it was chilly and wet after the recent rain. Moreover, the Ground Plums (Astragalus crassicarpus) are looking for a spectacular season!
The blossoms were covered in dew which made them appear almost translucent to me.
A prickly tongue? The Prickly Pear (Opuntia) was trying its best to rise above the thick grasses.
We were on the west side of Hwy 287. The soils are much different than the grasslands to the east of 287.
Here a yucca stood out to us. It was much larger than those we usually see. Certainly, this one might require a follow up later. 🙂
On a wild plum, an insect casing.
Next with some effort, I pried it off.
Without delay, I carefully peeled the outer layer further to get a look inside.
In fact, the outer shell was pretty tough and hard.
Ooops, so in this case someone had apparently liquefied the contents. Nature always has surprises.
I didnt think to check but most of the soil was mostly red clayish loamy with a lot of gravel on the hillside. It was nearer to the bottom so maybe. Jeanne, do you remember?
That big yucca looks like Y. necopina to me. Do you remember if the soil was sandy?
I didnt think to check but most of the soil was mostly red clayish loamy with a lot of gravel on the hillside. It was nearer to the bottom so maybe. Jeanne, do you remember?
Curious to hear how yucca turns out!