Everyone gotta eat
Indeed, the seeps were really running on Monday the 6th. Certainly, the seeps in Wise County were running even more after the almost two inches we got a few days later.
So now I stopped to admire the water, algae and bubbles!
The first find in the seep! So this creature was only four or five millimeters. Furthermore, I caught it get a better look at it at home. Into my only pill (collection jar) bottle it went. Jeanne called out. She had another critter. Well, I caught it as well. But with only one pill bottle, the little one got a bigger roommate. 😉 Jeanne’s find was twice as large. The next day, I got around to examining the finds. And there was only one left in the pill bottle. Hence, a yum! And the big guy may have thought what an easy meal critter number one was. Burp. FYI, I knew this might happen, but I figured the bigger one might be more identifiable.
Looking at the water under the microscope, you never know what you will find. For sure, it is an unseen secret world right below our noses. Speedy certainly was very fast. Hence, my name for it. Certainly you gotta loved its locomotion too! So my guess was a protist. After all there are over a gazillion families and species. Moreover, all the protists prefer aquatic or moist environments. Why wasn’t it eaten? Maybe it was just not tasty or too fast. LOL.
Bumblebees Learn to Open Puzzle Boxes From Each Other
Southeast Texas Wetlands: Plants, Insects and Birds
A relationship of plant communities and wildlife explained and why we shouldn’t hate mosquitoes. 45 minute Youtube
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
The bubbles are super interesting and pretty to boot. Wonderful what you can find in the water.
And thanks for finding the big one!
Dytiscidae was my first guess from distant memory of aquatic entomology. Nice find!!
Yeah, I was on the right track! Thanks Dr. Blue!
I need to watch the video to help me quit hating mosquitoes.
Really is a good presentation!
That seep was full of wonders!