Over the weekend (Feb 20th), Suzanne, Kate, Michelle and Vince went to an amazing festival. They participated in a fossil dig. The following are photos from that trip.
Do you see all the ammonites lined up? Ammonites were ocean dwelling mollusks. The area is in the Red Beds of Texas and Oklahoma.
The staff was on hand to help get the group started.
This was the critter.
The main type of fossils are the four species of Dimetrodon which all existed at the same time during this period of the Permian. There were also other species present. (Suzanne)
Here’s what you might find! This fossil was still in its plaster jacket that is used to bring the fossil back to the lab.
This was the area!
Staff instructions.
Get ready to dig!
Hidden in plain sight.
Michelle studies the dirt.
Sticking out.
Drawing of a fossil in situ.
Hard at it! It was a very slow paced work.
Big smile!
Kate’s find!
Up close work!
Michelle carefully brushing the dirt around the fossil.
Suzanne found ribs and bones from the sail fins of Dimetrodon, a jawbone from something undetermined, and a relatively large flat bone also from something undetermined. The Executive Director of the museum said they were going to continue to excavate out the area of that large flat bone as he suspects it may be a skull of something which Suzanne had partially uncovered. (Suzanne) That’s exciting! A wonder time was had by all. And I believe Suzanne’s face says it all! 🙂
Definitely, this is place you too might want to visit if you like fossils. Certainly, is on my list now! Thanks to Suzanne, Kate, Michelle, and Vince for sharing your photos with us!
Whoa! Good job Suzanne!!
We all found amazing fossils. Vince found that beautiful sail fin bone with the vertebra still attached. I hope we can go back soon.
Was that Vince’s sketch?
I believe it was, though Michelle could have drawn it too. I never asked.
Very neat!