The Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) snared me today on the midday walk. Of course, no bright yellow flower at this time of year. Still a skeleton offers something as well.

Remarkable Scottish Fossil Uncovers Clues to the Origins of Lizards
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
I love the egg casings. Tiny cups. And the image of the lizard in the rock. How cool that they can do that. Love that you find beauty everywhere. Be wonderful if everyone did.
Tiny eggs are so wonderful to me. Just amazing that such tiny things are a part of our world.
Nice study of partridge pea. It plays an important pioneer role for nitrogen cycling but I think it gets overlooked because it’s an annual. Thanks for showing it some love! Very interesting lizard fossil article too. It’s amazing what can be done with various types of scans.
Good additional information. Thanks Suzanne! The new uses for scans are so cool!
How marvelous! Thanks for sharing. I have a few in my yard and I hope they keep coming back.
I hope they do. More critters for you!
Oh, it is the tiny delights like this which keep me going! And why I could really just walk slowly to find all the interesting tidibits!