I was still searching for the Thurber’s Pilostyles. However we had enough of bending over. So down we went towards the woods. Between the barrens and the woods, additional treasures were found. Even though it was a cool morning, many hexapods (six-legged arthropods) were out. Don’t let a cool morning stop you from exploring. In fact, every kind of weather will yield something. And this day (Nov. 10th) was no exception.
It was a Lygus Bug (Lygus) (tentatively). The False Gaura is always a great host to many insects and spiders. A great plant to check out!
The Dodder (Cuscuta) seemed “alive” as a slight breeze moved it vine! Ok it is alive!
A tiny plant bug (Miridae) on the Dodder! Maybe in the Keltonia genus?
Some the Pricky Pears (Opuntia) had really long spines. Additionally, there was two more chrysalis on the spines. Can you spot them?
On a nearby pad, we found these brown and black nymphs.
The nymphs would not be responsible for the partially eaten tuna. However, the Cactus Cored (Chelinidea vittiger) is a known sap-sucking Leaf-footed Bug that likes the Opuntia species. And photos looked very similar for the nymphs. Apparently the nymphs can go through multiple color changes. The critter under the nymph, closely resembles an adult Chelinidea vittiger. (tentative ID). The legs and antennae looked similar. Details, eh.
This Reakirt’s Blue certainly had a few encounters.
At first glance, you might mistaken this bug for a Ladybug. However, it is the Golden Tortoise Beetle (Charidotella sexpunctata)! There were several of them on the Bindweed (Convolvulus equitans). The spiny larva looks similar to other tortoise beetles larvae. Indeed many of this genus’ nymphs carry a fecal shield. And that is always fun to see. But not that day. Correction: This is Blacklegged Tortoise Beetle (Jonthonota nigripes). The Golden has yellow legs. After getting this home, I found that it had black legs.
A Variegated Fritillary stopped for a drink at the Prairie Gaillardia (Gaillardia aestivalis)! Slurp!
A Common Buckeye. Certainly was a butterfly day!
Indeed, a Stink Bug nymph found the Gumweed (Grindelia) to its liking.
The White Honeysuckle was loaded with berries on the side of hill. Also a Hover Fly was found here. But it did not cooperate. ;-( The chilly weather did not slow it down.
That prickly pear surely did have long spines. What eats the white honeysuckle berries?
Birds do but I do not know if anything else like them.
I found this for additional info.
Thanks Judy for your question, and Mary for pointing us to the extra white honeysuckle info. Deep dive!
The videos are unbelievable. Thank You for sharing what you see. ❤️
I’m glad I can share with you!🤗
That tortoise beetle is so cool!
I love the tortoise beetles too!