Yes, the temperature was cool on November 10th. However, I find it “cool” to be on the barrens anytime. 🙂
Some flowers defy the norm like this lone bloom of a Prairie Bluet!
While looking at the Black Dalea (Dalea frutescens) more empty chrysalises were spotted. Presumably they are the Sleepy Oranges. Some Sleepy Oranges will over winter here in North Texas, but others will migrate further south in Texas. In the winter form, they will be a darker orange-red color.
Muhly grass (Muhlenbergia) on the sloping edge of the barrens. And yes, that is Jeanne on the left. We were searching for the Thurber’s Pilostyles. No luck yet.
Colors of a Prickly Pear (Opuntia)!
Another Sleepy Orange’s empty chrysalis!
This Sleepy Orange was near by. The winter form.
A chilled Reakirt’s Blue!
A Praying Mantis ootheca located on a Black Dalea stem. It will overwinter as well in this form.
In its face, a Reakirt’s Blue (Echinargus isola)! Chilly weather can be less of a challenge for in-your-face photos. 🙂
A mount of Plains Nipple Cactus (Escobaria missouriensis)!
Last photo today. The critters will have a harder time getting to its fruit!
Thats a beautiful cactus specimen.
Sure was!
Cool to find all the sleepy orange activity!
It was and so many empty chrysalis!
I love the big fields of deep muhly