It was a grand day on the grasslands. Sights and treasures were abounding!
Indeed, it was written in the sky! We were going to have fun. LOL And a pair of jets were as well!
A pair of pipes crossing a ravine seems to be a favorite roosting site!
Three-awned grass!
Certainly, a (not) favorite stick-in-your socks or pants in fall thru winter months. There are eight species and as many varieties in the FNCT.
The light brown one is a millipede. The other more lively one is a centipede. To tell the difference between the two, check how many legs are on each segment. Two per section on a millipedes and only one per on the centipedes.
We found the above creatures under the one of these Ganoderma fungi.
Prairie Gaillardia (Gaillardia aestivalis)!
It is not often that we run across a walnut tree on the grasslands.
The yuccas reminded me of green fireworks!
Near the yuccas on the edge were the Cladonia subcariosa, a type of squamulose lichen. Notice that someone took a bite of one of them. Sometimes these kinds of lichens are referred to as peg lichens.
A golden clump of switchgrass stood in the fireline.
A crab spider really had some good camo on the Maximillian Sunflower!
The day was also written in the crystal ball. 😉 This was actually the sap from the Maximillian Sunflower.
In addition to the crystal ball, I could see little black somethings swirling around in the sap. I brought a piece home, but could not see anything as the sap dried up. Oh well.
Another great outing!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Switchgrass sure is glowing. I probably would never notice the spider. Its so well camouflaged.
Switchgrass sure is glowing. I probably would never notice the spider. Its so well camouflaged.
I didn’t know there were so many kinds of three awn. I am putting some in my little prairie.
Your little prairie is so neat!