The LBJ grasslands, a true treasure for anyone that enjoys the outdoors.
Tiny chestnut brown mushrooms certainly do not fit the description of a giant. Unless you are a tiny insect?Under another cow patty, I found this small pupa. Yep, it is on my shelf.Fresh signs of beavers on this big ole willow.The beavers’ entrances were pretty big. Now look at this photo at a tilt or in portrait view. Do you see the smiling face?Knobby gnawings!A yellowjacket was checking it out!The beavers had been quite busy. They even cut this sumac down. Beside the willow and sumac, they even gnawed on small oaks near the pond.A big circle on the ground. Doesn’t Jeanne’s shadow look a bit alien? LOLThe normal green Greenbriar put on big colors for fall!A small Sesbania Clown Weevil (Eudiagogus rosenschoeldi) was chowing on the Sesbania or Bagpod (Sesbania vesicaria)! This weevil has a short snout.A mighty giant pecan! Certainly it has huge stories to tell.
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
The beavers entrance looks like a llama if turned 90°. Cute little shrooms.
The beavers entrance looks like a llama if turned 90°. Cute little shrooms.
I had thought a happy alien but I like your suggestion better😊
So many great shots! So what was the big circle? Gorgeous pecan!!!!
Really dont know for sure. One suggestion was a big tire. Probably had some thing to do with cows tho is the guess
Clown weevil is a perfect name for it! Lovely walk, lovely day.
Maybe circle is where there was a round bale of hay. And cows ate around it.
Wow those green briar leaves were amazing!