A tiny frog swam up to the shore. So beautiful with its green back!
On the Gumweed (Grindelia nuda), I found this Noctuid cat. Unlike others, I did not bring this one home.
Three Dainty Sulphurs all perched on the ragweed. It was cool enough that they were staying put. 🙂
Love the way this mushroom curled up!
I believe this was the younger version of the above mushroom.
Tiny eggs had already hatched. Looking back in my photo files, I found some similar eggs on Red Cedar as these were. I had raised those and they turned out to be Encyrtid Wasps. This is not a sure ID because other insects have similar shaped eggs like stink bugs for example.
I am not sure who spotted this wonderful find but it wasn’t me. We crept closer. It did not move. Was it just cold? We took our photos being careful not to disturb it. However it turned out to be dead. 🙁
However, this made for an easy catch. LOL So I brought it home. At least there will be no food to prepare.
Absolutely gorgeous! It was a Tiger Moth, possibly in the Apantesis genus. The caterpillars in this family are pretty fuzzy.
The group enjoyed the turtles and a strange leaf that looked as if was propelled by a motor.
My final photo of the day, a Southern Dogface feeding on the Common Sunflower.
What another great First Wednesday with fellow nature nerds!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know
Those wasps are parasitic right? So a true bug makes sense.
Those wasps are parasitic right? So a true bug makes sense.
They are. Somehow that was not clicking in my brain. 🤣
It was a beautiful unit and beautiful day. Havent seen one of those moths in years. Glad theyre still around.
I’m don’t ever remember seeing one before. Just hope this one had a successful life and passed on its offspring.
That moth is so pretty. Wonderful day!