It was a morning spent inside taking photos and trying to ID stuff. So I was looking at my pets on the shelf. Had there been any changes?
First look was of the Buckeye. It has used some silk to anchor itself to a stem. This was at 10;30am.
6:35pm, stayed tuned. 😉
This was photo of egg/cocoon that was found on 2022-09-22 on False Gaura. In fact, we found multiple examples of the egg that day. So I had brought one home.
It hatched and it is in the Diptera order (Flies).
The antennae has a little bristle like hair on it. This should help ID it. I think it might be a muscoid fly, but definitely just a guess on my part. Too many new words in the key for me to want to pin it down today.
On another day I brought this home with two eggs on the Dalea. One had already hatched. In addition, the flowers had a larva of the Eastern Tailed-blue that snuck home with me. Well, I didn’t really want another of Eastern Tailed-blue to raise. But well that was what happened. And now I can’t find the unhatched egg.
What I did find was the larva seems to be parasitized. See the two little yellow bumps on the tail end? I have watched them under the microscope “breathing”.
Here is a larva of the Eastern Tailed-blue that I intentionally brought home.
Of course, I took walks with Gracie today. Here is a cat that Gracie does not have any interest in for chasing or otherwise. LOL Hence, a new pet has been added to my shelf, a Afflicted Dagger Moth caterpillar!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
Such interesting things you show us Mary. And cool that you could see the parasites on the cat breathing thanks to the microscope. Suzanne you are so right. Back when I did my talk on Caterpillar Gardening with Native Plants, I brought that up in my talk. I remember one was a Confused something. In the Daggers I came across an Impressive and a Delightful. In the Underwings there is a Inconsolable and a Sordid.
Mary wanted me to share a story and picture to the blog but I have not figured out how to put a picture on here. When I do, I will share.
So many cats!!
Incredible video!
Incredible video!
Moth common names are often interesting and sometimes hilarious! LOL
Yes, they come up some great ones. Makes you want to know the story behind the names.
Such interesting things you show us Mary. And cool that you could see the parasites on the cat breathing thanks to the microscope. Suzanne you are so right. Back when I did my talk on Caterpillar Gardening with Native Plants, I brought that up in my talk. I remember one was a Confused something. In the Daggers I came across an Impressive and a Delightful. In the Underwings there is a Inconsolable and a Sordid.
Mary wanted me to share a story and picture to the blog but I have not figured out how to put a picture on here. When I do, I will share.
Kathy, to share a photo you will need to send directly to me. Tonight’s blog will have your “emerald” 😉 And thanks!