Yesterday, I took a small walk-about in our back field. Here’s what I saw!
A little Citrus Flatid Planthopper (Metcalfa pruinosa) on a Cottonwood tree!
A grasshopper was trying its best to blend in!
Several of the gayfeathers (Liatris mucronata) were starting to bloom! A fuzzy small bee stopped in.
Bee flies were also buzzing around in the field!
The tunas (Opuntia) had such a pretty pale color!
Some of the False Boneset (Brickellia eupatorioides) had gone to seed! Indeed, it makes a nice bouquet!
A blister beetle was pooping yellow poo on Flat-topped Goldenrod (Solidago nitida)!
An upside down bee fly turned out to be the prey of a yellow crab spider.
A black moth covered with pollen! It certainly was a lovely afternoon for a walk-about!
Final photo! This beautiful photo was taken by Suzanne of an Inornate Pyrausta Moth (Pyrausta inornatalis) on her Rosemary. Suzanne said the cool morning helped slow it down. Thanks for sharing Suzanne!
Keep looking!
The more you know, the more you see and the more you see, the more you know.
The blister beetle is pooping goldenrod. Had to be yellow😄. Pretty moth Suzanne.
Thanks for sharing my photo, Mary! I’ve learned so much about entomology and tiny treasures from your blog. And thanks Judy and Kathy for your kind compliments. I was very excited to find a calm Pyrausta.
The blister beetle is pooping goldenrod. Had to be yellow😄. Pretty moth Suzanne.
Awesome insect photography from both of you, thanks!
Thanks for sharing my photo, Mary! I’ve learned so much about entomology and tiny treasures from your blog. And thanks Judy and Kathy for your kind compliments. I was very excited to find a calm Pyrausta.
That means a lot… Thank you Suzanne and all of you as well. I have learned so much from your years of knowledge.
I love our fall friends!