Our lovely rain has helped out the fungi and mold! They are springing up. Certainly, a time to keep your eyes out for these important members of our ecosystem!
Colorful leaf litter!
The mold/fungus was taking over the remains of a horse apple.
So soft looking!
Shelf fungus!
Mold growing next to the shelf fungus!
The backside of the above fungus, the Common Split Gill makes it a standout in my book!
Could these finger fungus be a fairy forest? Or perhaps the fairy version of Easter Island? Often times when you look close, a brown mite or two will pass through. I did not get a very good photo of mites today.
However, the little beetle was cooperating on this mushroom!
Popping up in our field as well.
Same mushroom, but from the fairies’ perspective. 🙂 Of course this is assuming fairies are small. 😉
Isn’t green river where you found the fish fossils? Nice article. You have lots of photos of fairy homes. Love them.
Yep, that was the amazing fossil area! So much fun!
Wow, the underside of that Common Split Gill is super pretty!
Great finds!