Today was a First Wednesday in the shade! Indeed, five of us braved the morning, mostly in the shade. It really was not that bad, at least that was my opinion. 😉
Additionally, while sitting, the Blue-gray Gnatcatchers were busy in the trees above. Then a pair of titmice came screaming by. Literally, one made a scream! I had not heard this before. I heard the Pileated Woodpecker. And the highlight bird for me, was a Black-and-white Warbler on the other side of the bank at the inlet where we were sitting. It was a wonderful morning sitting in the shade with friends!
It was really nice to get out of the tedium of just another hot summer day, to visit with friends and watch the world before the blistering heat of the day set in. Thanks
Forgot to comment on the animals cooling article. The ants are really cool. Who would have thought. Seems like if they stayed underground, the ones that live underground, they would be cool. Thanks
It was a great morning. Thanks for the video of the ants. I can see them really well in video but not well then. Its a great video.
It was really nice to get out of the tedium of just another hot summer day, to visit with friends and watch the world before the blistering heat of the day set in. Thanks
So glad you could come!
Forgot to comment on the animals cooling article. The ants are really cool. Who would have thought. Seems like if they stayed underground, the ones that live underground, they would be cool. Thanks
I talked with Diane about the ants cooling. She said in fact that is what our ants do, go underground and as far down as they can. Thanks Diane!
So sorry I had to miss it. Hopefully I’ll be there next month.
Fingers crossed will see you there..
Interesting, I’ve never heard a titmouse scream either. Was it a juvenile??
Sounds like a great morning.
It might have been a juvie, but couldn’t see it. When we could see, there was one that appeared to be begging.