Up early this morn for the quail survey. And we had good luck!
The moon was still big and bright!
The cows seemed to be vocal this morning. We think they must be hungry. Normally they are not that interested in us. However, at our last stop, they chased and bellowed loudly. We were in the car at that point quitting for the morning. The report on the bobwhite is a positive one. Three total counted. Yeah! And possibly a fourth, but hard to be sure as an airplane flew by.
On the home front today, I found this dead Superb Dog-Day Cicada (Neotibicen superbus). Don’t you love that name!
A website confirmed my suspicions that the song in our woods this afternoon was the Super Dog-day Cicada. Cicadas of the United States and Canada has a bunch of songs recorded.
Next, another dead insect laid in my path on the afternoon walk. It is a Robber Fly (Asilidae)! It abdomen was missing. The predator got preyed on.
Another angle. So it much easier to get a photo when they are not moving LOL.
Sorta has a Groucho Marx mustache!
The last nestling still had not fledged at noon today. Maybe by tomorrow.Finally, a Six-lined Racerunner (Aspidoscelis sexlineatus)! It has been awhile since we have seen one around the house.
So good to hear about the quail. And that baby bird doesnt look old enough to fledge to me but i know nothing about bluebirds. Wonder if the cows could have been thirsty. Smart lizard.
Slo mo video of woodpeckers is great!
So good to hear about the quail. And that baby bird doesnt look old enough to fledge to me but i know nothing about bluebirds. Wonder if the cows could have been thirsty. Smart lizard.
Maybe it was the runt. One did look smaller. And the cows had plenty of water available. But not much grass to eat. 🤷🏻♀️
BTW. That sex advice book is funny but sounds much more violent than the world we live in. Entertaining.
. Really fascinating… the book. And violent, at least by human standards
Great news about the bobwhites! And it’s not really summer until the dog-day cicadas sing.
Yep, I was waiting for them to sing too….summer!
Yay for bobwhites!!